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The voice of the south Dorset business community

Weymouth Fireworks August 2023 JA
About WPCC

Supporting Weymouth & Portland

The Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting economic growth in Weymouth and Portland by helping to provide an environment in which businesses can thrive.

The Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting economic growth in Weymouth and Portland by helping to provide an environment in which businesses can thrive.

We exist for the benefit of our members, who range from sole traders to national brands. Our members also include charities and other not-for-profit organisations, such as schools and colleges.

There are around 2,000 businesses in Weymouth and Portland, two thirds of which employ no more than four people.

The first Chambers of Commerce were set up in Europe in the 1600s, when merchants, traders and craftsman formed groups where they could discuss common interests. Local Chambers, such as ours, are entirely independent organisations, set up and run by local people. We are accountable to our members, not to regional, national or international Chamber organisations.

However, we are an Associate Chamber with Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This strengthens the ties between the two organisations, bringing additional benefits to our members and making it easier for our voice to be heard at a county and even national level.

The Chamber is run by and for its members. Our membership is generally over 100 organisations each year.

The Chamber is led by a President, elected from within the Executive Committee. The Committee is itself elected every year at our AGM. All members of the Committee, including the President, give their time voluntarily.

Our support for local businesses includes:

– Organising local networking events, such as our popular monthly Business Breakfast, one of the largest such events in Dorset.

– Providing training and education events covering subjects relevant to local firms.

– Representing the interests of local businesses to local authorities and other bodies, such as Weymouth & Portland Town Council, Dorset County Council, Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and our local Member of Parliament, Richard Drax.

– Encouraging the next generation of entrepreneurs and employees through our support for the innovative projects in Weymouth and Portland.

– Running social and charitable events. There’s more to life than doing business and we like to help our members to enjoy living in this wonderful part of the country. We organise trips and social activities, while often raising money for local charities.

The Chamber has been supporting firms in Weymouth and Portland for almost 90 years. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people.

In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges.

We played an important role in the establishment of the Weymouth BID, in whose operation we take a keen interest. Around one quarter of our members are also BID levy payers.

We sponsor and are involved in a number of local events including Weymouth Carnival, WPCC STAR Awards, WPCC Business Festival.

We raise money for local charities, and in particular, the President’s chosen charity.

Local Networking Opportunities

Unlock a world of connections by joining the WPCC's vibrant network. Our calendar is packed with engaging events designed to facilitate meaningful connections and foster collaborations.

Meet the Committee

Paul Appleby

Paul Appleby

President / CEO 90 Networks
Craig Oakes

Craig Oakes

Oakes Insure
Adrian Imrie

Adrian Imrie

Victoria Merriman

Victoria Merriman

Chamber Secretary
Stephanie Bond

Stephanie Bond

Nantes Solicitors
Claire Hoff

Claire Hoff

DJ Property
Sam Russell

Sam Russell

Albert Goodman
Trevor Matthews

Trevor Matthews

Clive Garman

Clive Garman

Sherrens Printers
Dominique Manasseri

Dominique Manasseri

Olivetto / Nicetta
Alvise Manasseri

Alvise Manasseri

Ollivetto / Nicetta

Join Us -

- and help the Chamber

Honorary Roles

Albert Goodman
Honorary Auditors, Accountants and Advisers

Honorary Solicitors

Enhancing Business Growth in Weymouth and Portland

Weymouth and Portland is a thriving coastal area and an exciting place to live and work. The area blends the outstanding natural beauty of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site with easy access to the major conurbation of Poole and Bournemouth, along with a mainline railway service to London.

Professional resources

Strategic advice

Old boat and the Cove Inn. Portland.