Potential impact of the NI increases April 2025
Like us, I am sure our members are expressing real concerns at the potential impact of the NI increases that come in to effect in April 2025. We are undertaking a county-wide survey of Dorset employers on this and would like to work with affiliated Town Chambers to present a strong and united front regarding lobbying on the impact of the increases.
We will be looking to write to our MP’s on the issue and would like to include a letter that is signed by the Presidents of the affiliated Town Chambers. We will also be feeding this up through the British Chambers and Commerce as well as writing directly to the Chancellor.
We’d really appreciate it of you could share this survey on your social media channels and in your newsletters and encourage your members to take part in the survey.
This is an extremely important issue for businesses so we’d really appreciate your support on this. Here is a link to the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VYMZMCY
We’d obviously share the findings with you and anticipate closing the survey on Friday 13th December.
By Ian Girling, Dorset Chamber