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Report back on 15th March 2023 Business Lunch

For members who were unable to make the March Business Meeting and listen to our Featured Sponsor, Craig Oakes from Oakes Insure, here is a little more information about Craig.



Craig Oakes has over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and is qualified to Cert CII standard, this means that not only did he feel that working on clients cases was a great way to gain experience. He felt that doing it right was important enough to learn about the very foundation of insurance and what makes it tick.

It doesn’t stop there either he continues to learn about emerging and innovative insurance products and procedures so that he is completely up to date within an ever changing industry.

To this end Craig has chosen to work with The Gauntlet Group who now operate a Chartered Insurance Broker in their own right. They have adopted a paperless approach to how they deal with their customers. This is more efficient and great for the environment.

Gauntlet will also be backing Craig and “Oakes Insure” in turn as an Appointed Representative giving Craig a team of people behind him and this will give Craig the power to access the Willis Commercial Network offering a competitive choice of over 300 insurers. The more insurers means the more chance that “Oakes Insure” clients will get exactly what they need at a fair price.

The most important thing apart from you being covered is of course that you go about your business with the least amount of hassle. Craig will be ensuring that this happens when it comes to your insurance needs.

Craig has lived in Weymouth for all of his life but this hasn’t stopped him providing insurance for clients from as far away as Thailand, USA and Europe. He says that the great thing about working in and around Dorset is that the scenery is very relaxing and this makes for a great work/life balance.


Big thank you to Cathy from The Avenue, Weymouth College for the buffet lunch and Charlotte Hibbs, Employer Engagement Consultant at the College.


Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby