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Weyforward seeks support for the WBIG! – Weymouth Basic Income Grant

Why The Weymouth Basic Income Grant (WBIG)?

According to government data Weymouth & Portland borough is one of the most deprived in the whole of the UK and has officially been classed as having the lowest Social Mobility in the country (if writing is in blue you can click on it and follow the link for more info). So, we are on a mission to improve things through the introduction of a Weymouth Basic Income Grant (WBIG) of £500 per month. We want to be the first place in the UK to get something like this up and running within our local community.

What Is WBIG?

In our commercially viable version of a Basic Income, money is paid to people who have an idea for a project or a business that delivers a social benefit to the local community. The only condition is that the people and projects must give something back to the community.

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby