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Weymouth & Portland Waste Reduction Workshop

The Weymouth and Portland area is a wonderful place for all and is very loved. There are lots of groups and individuals in Weymouth and Portland who are all doing brilliant things to help keep the beach clean/reducing littering/improve bathing water quality/reduce single use plastic/promote reusables at the beach and in the town. There are also lots of businesses who are doing a lot to reduce the impact they and their customers could be having on the beach by adopting reusables, considering packaging and bins etc.

Litter Free is hosting workshop to find out more about what others are already doing in and around Weymouth (including Bowleaze Cove, Castle Cove, Sandsfoot Beach, Newtons Cove, Parks, Town Centre and Weymouth Beach) and see if we can find ways for everyone to work collaboratively on this issue.

The focus of this workshop will be on waste reduction and reuse. We feel this is the right place to focus our collaborative effort because minimising the waste generated will help reduce the amount of littering, quantity of waste in our bins and the need for items to be recycled.

Litter Free Coast and Sea and Litter Free Dorset are both community campaigns who have been working collaboratively with others across Dorset to reduce litter and improve bathing water quality through behavioural change campaigns since 2012. In Weymouth Litter Free Coast and Sea have run the “Don’t Feed the Locals” seagull campaign to reduce food waste and littering. Litter Free Coast and Sea also coordinate Sustainable Swanage which is a community, partnership effort between individuals and groups to make it more sustainable.

The workshop is supported by Beach Manager Kevin Good and Weymouth Town Council. They are excited to hear people’s ideas and work with you all on this topic in a collaborative way.

Where: Zoom

When: Tuesday November 3rd 2020  9:00 am – 11:00 am

RSVP: to by Monday 26th October 2020 to receive the zoom link for this workshop

Author: Dominique