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Busy Breakfast Networking at the Nothe Tavern

Over forty members and guests attended the Chamber March breakfast meeting at the Nothe Tavern, Weymouth.

Past President Andrew Knowles acted as MC for the meeting and once he had thanked everyone for attending he asked ne President Craig to say a few words. Craig Oakes then began by thanking Emma, Jack and all the staff at the Nothe Tavern for a truly fantastic breakfast.

Craig then summarised the main points of his AGM speech which emphasised his thoughts on posative business development in the area. He stressed his commitment to raising money for Chamber members Weldmar through his weight loss and fitness program in association with Chamber members Zone Fitness. Craig aims to lose up to three stone and is encouraging donations for his effort. Their will shortly be a Just Giving link on our website for just this purpose.

Andrew reminded everyone about bookings shortly being available for the planned Bournemouth Air Festival day out on the 29th August. The WPCC Festival of Business events taking place can be viewed here.

Mel Vasileva from the South Coast Young Enterprise was introduced and she gave an introduction to the organisation, which is a link between young people in school and businesses in the local community. Mel is looking for volunteer employers for hands on activities to work with small groups and share business knowledge and stories.

The YE also organises students in the Company Program, where they set up their own company to sell, make products and services and for this they need business advisors in schools. Finally businesses are invited to a Skills Fair – a career event – a gateway to opportunities with businesses in attendance.

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby