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Living with Covid plan – Dorset Chamber reaction comment

Dorset Chamber president Caron Khan said: “Many businesses in Dorset will give a cautious welcome to the new ‘living with Covid’ plan.

“It is another milestone on our long journey out of the pandemic as business begin to fire on all cylinders following two of the most difficult years in living memory.
“Importantly, I would encourage employers to continue to show understanding to their staff at this time and take a balanced and common-sense approach which ensures everyone is treated fairly and equally.

“This may involve consultation with staff, ensuring appropriate policies are in place, clear guidance is given and measures are introduced to support those who are vulnerable, may feel under pressure or uncomfortable with new or different working arrangements.
“The approach of different businesses will vary but we will all need to keep our eye on the ball as Covid has not disappeared and we must ensure that we do the right thing for our businesses, our people and our customers in the coming weeks and months.”

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby