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New digital tools for exporters

Dorset Chamber, the accredited International trade documentation, advice and training service for Dorset are encouraging exporters to use two new digital tools for businesses exporting goods in and out of the UK market provided by The Department for International Trade.

The free-to-use tools  available on detail product-specific and country-specific information on tariffs, regulations and other topics in one place, saving businesses time and making it easier for them to trade.

The ‘Trade with the UK’ tool provides businesses exporting goods into the UK market with detailed and up-to-date information on topics such as tariffs, taxes and rules.

The ‘Check How to Export Goods’ tool provides exporters of goods out of the UK market with information such as duties and customs procedures for over 160 markets around the world. The tool also provides information about the UK border which is sourced from other government departments such as HMRC and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Sue Bhatt International trade specialist said “The new tools allow businesses to see if there’s duty and VAT to pay and if any documentation is required using a user friendly interface”

These tools will support existing businesses who are trading internationally and encourage new businesses to start by making it easier for them to find the information they need. All information included in the tools, such as tariffs, taxes and rules, remain the same as we enter the Transition Period.

For advice on International Trade documentation and Customs Declarations contact the Dorset Chamber team on 01202 714800

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby