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SafeWise Business and Schools Partnerships

Welcome to the bulletin for SafeWise partners, funders and supporters. Thank you for your involvement and support for SafeWise in whatever form it takes. Any questions? Email:

Exciting news… a message from the chief executive
“I hope that you, your colleagues and everyone close to you is keeping well during the ongoing pandemic. COVID-19 has meant SafeWise, like many, has had to adapt its operating model to survive and grow.

As a result, this week we’re proud to launch our new SafeWise Membership for primary schools. It’s an exciting offer that includes a virtual experience of our learning village in Bournemouth, with comprehensive teaching resources plus many more great benefits. We’ve invited local schools to join as founder members at a special rate, before rolling the scheme out to others around the country. Find more details at – we’d really appreciate it if you could help spread the word about the membership through your networks.

I’d also like to introduce you to our new Silver partners SGN, whom we are absolutely delighted to welcome onboard and look forward to working closely with – read more below.

More exciting developments are in the pipeline, including immersive virtual reality experiences for secondary school students as well as primary, with another new partner Volume – more about that next month. Thank you to all our new and valued existing partners as we embark upon the next exciting stage of the SafeWise journey together.”

Warm welcome for our new Silver Sponsors
We are delighted to welcome SGN as a new SafeWise partner. SGN’s valuable support and expertise will allow SafeWise to continue to bring valuable safety and skills for life to key audiences. The partnership will deliver SGN messages around safety and related issues to an increasing area regionally, and ultimately nationally, as the charity’s membership and digital immersive experiences develop. A gas safety topic with lesson plan and associated resources forms part of SafeWise’s new membership for primary schools, which launches this month. Find out more about exciting new opportunities for partners.

New SafeWise School Membership will be top of class
Our innovative new national membership for primary schools launches this week. The membership delivers virtual experiences of the SafeWise learning village along with curriculum-linked resources for teachers plus a range of other features and benefits, such as home learning, for the whole school community.
Membership contributes to a broad and balanced curriculum for schools, and focuses on building children’s resilience and confidence, critical thinking, decision-making, communication skills and more.

Could your business or organisation could adopt or sponsor a local school and sign them up for membership? We’re always pleased to help with any social media or PR opportunities that may be involved too. . Find out more.

New way of working
The challenging economic situation, alongside the impact and uncertainty brought about by COVID-19, has meant SafeWise has quickly needed to make some difficult choices in order to survive, flourish and grow.

Here’s a recap about our new operating model agreed by trustees. It enables the charity to grow sustainably and deliver an enhanced offer for audiences, partners and other stakeholders to develop national reach and influence. Find out more.

Head along to for more info on our trustees, staff, partnership opportunities, new programmes and other developments

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby