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Wessex FM Managing Director to run Virgin Money London Marathon 2020 for Dorset-based Weldmar Hospicecare

Managing Director of Wessex FM, Rick Simmonds, is braving his second Virgin Money London Marathon this April in aid of Weldmar Hospicecare.
He says “it’s been nine years since the last time I ran the marathon, and a lot has changed in my life over that time, including becoming a parent and a move back to the county in which I grew up. Most importantly though, I’m almost a decade older so I hope I’ve still got it in me to crack 26.2 miles again!”
Weldmar Hospicecare provides specialist end of life care for people living in Dorset. Their compassionate approach supports patients and their families in the community, at home, and in the hospice – and all their care is free.
Wessex FM is proud to already have a strong relationship with Weldmar, providing support and publicity for many of their fundraising events, and Rick hopes his involvement in the marathon will help build the relationship further between Dorset’s largest charity and the number one local radio station in the area.
“There are always two stresses when training for a marathon,” says Rick. “The training itself is going well but the fundraising is always the most painful. With just two months to go, I’d welcome any donations from businesses or individuals to my Just Giving page. My 45 year old knees can just about take the training, but a few more quid towards my target would certainly ease the strain in other ways!”.
You can donate at this web address:

Author: Dominique