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Business Poll

How will taxation impact your business in 2019?

While Brexit continues to dominate the headlines, British Chamber of Commerce has not lost sight of the broader range of long-term issues facing business.

Start survey here

The UK’s taxation system is critical to the economy, and we are keen to hear from you about how well it meets your business needs.

In this short poll, we ask: how do UK taxes impact on your business? How is your business reacting to forthcoming changes? And what are your views on the fairness of the UK tax regime?

Our recent surveys have helped us to present evidence that has directly influenced Government policy. In fact, our 2018 Business Taxation survey enabled the BCC to successfully campaign for an increase to the Annual Investment Allowance. See here for some of our recent policy wins.

To continue to do this, we need to gather the strongest possible evidence base from UK businesses. Five minutes of your time give your local Chamber and the British Chambers of Commerce the real-world business input we need to stand up for your interests.

As always, thank you for your support.

Dr Adam Marshall, Director General, British Chambers of Commerce

Please note: you can also access this survey through the BCC website under ‘Policy Rerports & Publications’ and then the ‘Finance’ tab.

Start survey here
British Chambers of Commerce
65 Petty France
Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby