Dorset Echo Industry Awards
President Craig Oakes talks of another annual event that happened without the razzmattazz. “It gives us great pleasure to congratulate two of our Chamber Members who were winners at the illustrious Dorset Echo industry awards 2020. (The Difficult Year)

So a big congratulations goes to all of those who triumphed in the face of stark adversity and adapted and overcame despite the difficulties that faced them and in particular to the winner of the New Business Award SW Coast Refills

. We wish you all the best in your new larger premises which you have transferred into during a lockdown period and your only thought is to provide your community further with your eco friendly and innovative way of thinking.

We also congratulate The Dorset Burger Company who have taken first honours in the Food/Drink Experience category. 

They have had to jump through so many hoops this year beginning with hosting our AGM back in February, (Who knew what was to come after?). They have always throughout this situation managed to retain their dignity and integrity and have not cut corners but provided the same service as much as they can as they always have. With a smile on their face and optimism all the way.

We can feel motivated and inspired by this to do great things. In business, In life, In everything, great things can be achieved. We each have it within us. This week is no different to any other If you want it enough, you can make it work.