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Weymouth College is a GOOD provider

Weymouth College is pleased to share with you that Ofsted have confirmed Weymouth College’s ‘Good’ provider grade some 5 years after we attained our first ‘Good’ grade.

It is a fabulous achievement and massively important for the College’s staff, apprentices and students who have worked so hard to maintain the College’s grade.

Above all, the grade means that the College continues to serve very effectively South Dorset’s students and its community – including parents, carers and employers.    We continue to value the partnerships that we build with you, our employers, to ensure that we are meeting the needs and demands of the businesses in the local area.

The Ofsted inspection team highlighted that ‘Weymouth College is an enjoyable and supportive place’ adding

  • ‘Learners welcome the approach to treat them as adults and the independence this brings. They get on with their work but are confident about asking for help when they need it.’
  • ‘Leaders have aligned the curriculum with local and regional employment priorities carefully.’
  • ‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.  The team identifies vulnerable learners swiftly and provides effective support.’
  • ‘Leaders place a high priority on maintaining access for learners in specialist provision, which would not otherwise be available in the local area. As a result, learners have access to a wide range of specialist training opportunities at successive levels.’


You can see a full copy of the Ofsted report on our website at (Click Here) and on the Ofsted website at

I have also taken this opportunity to include a link to the Education Services 2020 Parliamentary Review –

You will find included in this ‘annual tome’ an article on Weymouth College and the journey we have taken – despite continued financial challenges – from an inadequate Ofsted review in 2014 to the maintenance of our Good grade in 2020 – an achievement which the inspection team did advise we should certainly not underestimate under the new inspection framework. Enjoy!

Nigel Evans

Principal and Chief Executive

Paul Appleby
Author: Paul Appleby